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Making ROI-Based Workplace Decisions by Integrating People, Processes, and Technology Data

Make Rent a Variable Cost

Allocate workspace expenses across multiple cost centers – teams, departments, etc.; bill them to clients as project-specific; increase accountability of project leaders.

Optimize Total Compensation Costs

Re-think what used to be office lease expenses and transform them into "Work-from-Anywhere" perks for new hires.

Cut on Long Term Liabilities

Reduce capital lease liability on your Company's balance sheet by switching from capital lease to short term rentals on-demand.

We help you optimize workplace expenses by answering the right questions around hybrid workplace practices

Make Rent a Variable Cost

We help you switch to flexible workplace budgeting by delivering a detailed breakdown of spatial expenses for each department, team or employee.

Examples of questions we help you answer:

  • Which departments show better performance when given an opportunity to work from more expensive workplaces?
  • How do aggregated costs per employee compare under different workplace policies?
  • Which departments or teams are least efficient in their space expenses?

Optimize Total Compensation Costs​

There are a number of opportunities to optimize payroll costs by uncovering perks and allowances options related to flexible workplace policies.

Examples of questions we help you answer:

  • Which workspace amenities and services can be part of compensation packages to optimize payroll?
  • Which 3rd parties’ workspace expenses are tax-deductible? 
  • How to optimize cost of workplace safety and employee insurance?

Tying People, Processes, and Technology
Data to the Bottom Line

Integrated workplace intelligence allows you to generate insights around financial outcomes of new working policies initiatives.

Flexible Workplace Expenses

Marginal Return Comparison

Factoring In Organization-Wide Changes and Project Bottom Line Effects

Workplace Strategy Resources

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